Koliva — Colivă from wheat seeds with raisins Koliva (also transliterated Kollyva) (Greek, κόλλυβα, kólliva; Serbian, кољиво, koljivo; Romanian, colivă; Bulgarian, коливо, kolivo) is boiled wheat which is used liturgically in the Eastern Orthodox and… … Wikipedia
Memorial service (Orthodox) — Golgotha (Crucifixion icon), Orthodox Cathedral in Vilnius. The lity tray (memorial stand) is at lower right, where the memorial services are celebrated. The stand has holders for the faithful to place candles. A memorial service (Greek:… … Wikipedia
Saturday of Souls — (or Soul Saturday) is a day set aside for commemoration of the dead within the liturgical year of the Eastern Orthodox and Greek Catholic Churches. Saturday is a traditional day for prayer for the dead, because Christ lay dead in the Tomb on… … Wikipedia
Eastern Orthodox worship — Part of a series on Eastern Christianity … Wikipedia
Kutia — is a sweet grain pudding, traditionally served in Ukrainian [ [http://www.recipezaar.com/77525 Ukrainian CHRISTMAS KUTYA recipe] ] , Lithuanian and Polish cultures. Kutia is often the first dish in the traditional twelve dish Christmas Eve supper … Wikipedia
Radonitsa — ( Day of Rejoicing ) is a holiday in the Eastern Orthodox Church which falls on the Monday or (more commonly) Tuesday of Saint Thomas Week mdash;eight or nine days, respectively, after Pascha (Easter). The day is a general memorial for the… … Wikipedia
Gastronomía de Serbia — Un popular Ćevapčići serbio. La gastronomía de Serbia posee la influencia directa de la cocina mediterránea, en especial: la cocina griega, cocina búlgara), la cocina turca y la húngara, lo que le confiere un caracter puramente heterogéneo. La… … Wikipedia Español
Kutia — en un recipiente de cerámica makitra, con una makohon de madera a su lado. Kutia es una especie de pudin dulce elaborado con granos de cereal, es servido tradicionalmente en culinaria ucraniana, lituana y polaca. El Kutia es uno de los primeros… … Wikipedia Español
colibă — COLÍBĂ, colibe, s.f. Casă mică şi sărăcăcioasă. ♦ Adăpost provizoriu pentru oameni şi uneori, pentru animale, făcut din bârne, din crengi etc. şi acoperit cu paie, ramuri etc. – Din sl. koliba. Trimis de hai, 28.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 COLÍBĂ s … Dicționar Român
colivă — COLÍVĂ, colive, s.f. (În practicile religioase ortodoxe) Grâu fiert amestecat cu zahăr şi cu nuci pisate şi ornat cu bomboane şi zahăr pudră, care se împarte ca pomană la înmormântări şi la parastase. – Din sl. kolivo. Trimis de hai, 28.06.2004.… … Dicționar Român