Para Los vasos cerámicos conocidos como Mug, véase Taza.

Una macro-unidad geográfica (MUG) es, en geografía, la denominación técnica para los grandes sectores de tierras emergidas correspondiente al término continente de uso habitual. El término MUG designa los conjuntos individualizados por consideraciones históricas o políticas antes que por principios geológicos. Oceanía, por ejemplo, no es un continente, aunque incluya a la isla-continente de Australia, y Europa es, en rigor, un subcontinente del continente llamado Eurasia. América, que es un continente único, puede fácilmente percibirse como subdividido en tres MUGs: América del Norte, América Central, América del Sur. Europa y Asia forman el supercontinente de Eurasia.

Los MUGs habitualmente reconocidos son:

  1. África;
  2. América Central y Antillas;
  3. América del Norte;
  4. América del Sur;
  5. Antártida;
  6. Eurasia;
  7. Oceanía.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • mug — mug·ful; mug·ga; mug·get; mug·gi·ly; mug·gi·ness; mug·gins; mug·gles; mug·gle·to·nian; mug; mug·wort; mug·wump·ery; mug·wump·i·an; mug·wump·ish; mug·wump·ism; mug·gee; mug·ger; mug·gy; mug·wump; …   English syllables

  • mug — Ⅰ. mug [1] ► NOUN 1) a large cylindrical cup with a handle. 2) informal a person s face. 3) Brit. informal a stupid or gullible person. 4) US informal a thug. ► VERB (mugged …   English terms dictionary

  • mug — mug1 [mug] n. [prob. < Scand, as in Swed mugg] 1. a heavy drinking cup of earthenware or metal, having a handle and formerly often ornamented with a human face 2. as much as a mug will hold 3. Slang a) the face b) the mouth …   English World dictionary

  • Mug — (m[u^]g), n. [Cf. Ir. mugam a mug, mucog a cup.] 1. A kind of ceramic or metal drinking cup, with a handle, usually cylindrical and without a lip. [1913 Webster] 2. The face or mouth; as, I don t want to see your ugly mug again; often used… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mug — vt mugged, mug·ging: to assault (an individual) usu. with intent to rob Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. mug …   Law dictionary

  • mug — (m[u^]g), v. t. To take property from (a person) in a public place by threatening or committing violence on the person who is robbed; to rob, especially to rob by use of a weapon such as a knife or gun. Note: To rob a person or a business indoors …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mug — [n1] drinking cup coffee cup, demitasse, flagon, jug, stoup, tankard, toby; concept 494 mug [n2] face countenance, frown, grimace, kisser*, mask, profile, puss*; concept 484 mug [v] hold up assault, hold up*, purse snatch, rob, steal, stick up* …   New thesaurus

  • mug — sb., gen el. get (skimmel), i sms. mug , fx mugdannelse, mugplet …   Dansk ordbog

  • mug — /mug/, n., v., mugged, mugging. n. 1. a drinking cup, usually cylindrical in shape, having a handle, and often of a heavy substance, as earthenware. 2. the quantity it holds. 3. Slang. a. the face. b. the mouth. c. an exaggerated facial… …   Universalium

  • MUG — MUG,   Multiuser Game …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Mug — Mug(Mugg)f ⇨MuckI …   Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache

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