Anexo:Artistas de Rusia

Anexo:Artistas de Rusia
Inauguración de la Academia Imperial de Artes, de Valery Jacobi.

Esta es una lista de artistas de la Federación Rusa, Unión Soviética, Imperio Ruso, Kanato de Rusia y Gran Ducado de Moscú, incluye a los étnicamente Rusos y a pueblos de otras etnias. Esta lista también incluye a los nacidos en Rusia y después emigrados, y los inmigrantes, nacidos en otro país pero que trabajaron durante un tiempo significativo en Rusia.

Para una completa lista de artistas de Rusia, busque en Category:Russian artists.

También en: Lista de arquitectos rusos, Lista de inventores rusos, Lista de exploradores rusos, Lista escritores en lengua rusa, Cultura rusa

Lista Alfabética


Retrato Persona
Aivazovsky portrait by Tyranov.jpg Ivan Aivazovsky
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
(de ascendencia armenia )
Pintor de marinas, retratista y paisajista
(retrato de Alexey Tyranov, 1847)
La novena ola, 1850
Tormenta, 1886
El bergantín "Mercurio" atacado por dos naves turcas, 1892
Alekseev F Ja.jpg Fedor Alekseev
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Pintor de vistas urbanas y paisajista
Plaza Roja en Moscú, 1801
La inclusa de Moscú
Vista de Nikolaev
Nikolay Anokhin.jpg Nikolay Anokhin
Bandera de la Unión Soviética Unión Soviética
Bandera de Rusia Federación rusa
Pintor de naturalezas muertas y paisajista
En la antigua casa de Rakitins, 1998
Pueblo, 2006
Tiempo, 2007
Evgenia-Antipova-aa23bw.jpg Evgenia Antipova
Bandera de la Unión Soviética Unión Soviética
Bandera de Rusia Federación rusa
Retratista, pintura de género y naturalezas muertas
Chica de Pereslavl, 1964
Melodía, 1982
Naturaleza muerta, 1964
Antokolski by Repin 1914.jpg Mark Antokolski
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
(retrato de Ilya Repin)
Nestor el cronista, 1890
Antropov Self.jpg Aleksei Antropov
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gif Kanato de Russia
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Pintor, retratista
(autoretrato, 1784)
Ataman Krasnoschekov, 1761
Catalina La Grande, 1760s
Señora desconocida, 1760s
Argunov-self.jpg Ivan Argunov
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Pintor, retratista
(autoretrato, terminado en 1750s)
Catherine II, 1762
Kalmyk joven Annushka, 1767
Joven campesina desconocida, 1784


Portrait Person
Bakst self.JPG Léon Bakst
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Bandera de Francia Francia
Pintor, escenógrafo y figurinista
(autoretrato, 1893)
Zinaida Gippius, 1906
Terror Antiquus, 1908
Vestuario de Cléopâtre para Ida Rubinstein, 1909
Bashkirtseff.jpg Maria Bashkirtseva
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Bandera de Francia Francia
(autoretrato, 1880)
El estudio, 1881
Otoño, 1883
La reunión, 1884
Baskakov-Nikolai-Nikolaevich-bask bw.jpg Nikolai Baskakov
Bandera de la Unión Soviética Unión Soviética
Bandera de Rusia Federación Rusa
Retratista, paisajista y pintor de género
Lenin en el Kremlin, 1960
Estambul, 1968
Verano caluroso, 1978
Benua Bakst.jpg Alexandre Benois
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Bandera de Francia Francia
Pintor y escenografo
(retrato por Leon Bakst, 1898)
Archivo:Alexandre Benois 004.jpg
Illustration to Pushkin's Bronze Horseman, 1904
Escenografía para Stravinsky's Petrushka, 1911
Barrio alemán, 1911
Portrait of Ivan Bilibin by B.Kustodiev (1901).jpg Ivan Bilibin
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Bandera de FranciaFrancia
Pintor, ilustrador y escenógrafo
(retrato por Boris Kustodiev, 1901)
Escenografía para El gallo dorado, 1909
Ivan Tsarevich cogiendo las plumas del Firebird, 1899
Ilya Muromets y El ruiseñor ladrón
Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky (self-portret).jpg Nikolai Bogdanov-Belsky
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Bandera de Letonia Letonia
Pintor realista
(Autoretrato, 1915)
Leyendo una carta, 1892
Contando de memoria, 1895
Nikolay Yusupov, 1911
Borisov musatov selfandsister.JPG Victor Borisov-Musatov
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Pintor símbolista
(Autoretrato con su hermana, 1898)
Primavera, 1898-1901
Daphnis y Chloe, 1901
El baño, 1902
Borovikovsky By Bugaevsky Blagodatny.jpg Vladimir Borovikovsky
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Pintor y retratista
(retrato por Bugaevsky-Blagodatny, alumno de Borovikovsky)
Catherine II in Tsarskoe Selo, 1794
Maria Lopukhina, 1797
Pavel I, 1800
Alexander brullov.jpg Alexander Briullov
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
(descendiente de franceses)
Arquitecto y pintor neoclásico, retratista
(autoretrato, 1830)
Castillo de Sant'Angelo en Roma, 1823-1826
E.M. Lvova, 1830s
Natalia Pushkina, 1831
Brjullov.jpg Karl Briullov
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
(descendiente de franceses)
Pintor neoclásico
(autoretrato, 1848)
Joven italiana, 1827
A horse rideress, 1832
Alexey Brodovitch
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Bandera de los Estados Unidos Estados Unidos
Pintor, ilustrador, diseñador gráfico y fotógrafo
Portada para Athélia
El Baile Banal cartel en París
Avtoportret Bruni.jpg Feodor Bruni
Bandera de Italia Italia
Bandera de Rusia Imperio ruso
Pintor neoclásico
(autoretrato, 1810s)
Ménade dando de beber a Cupido, 1828
Z.A.Volkonskaya vestuario de Tancredo, 1820s


Portrait Person
Yury Pen - Portrait of Marc Chagall.jpg Marc Chagall
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Francia
(Jewish descent)
painter, illustrator, stained glass artist, stage designer, ceramics and tapestries designer
(portrait by Yehuda Pen)
Archivo:Image-Chagall Fiddler.jpg
The Fiddler, 1912
Windows of St. Stephen's church, Mainz, Germany, 1978
Nikolay Chekhov.jpg Nikolay Chekhov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, illustrator
Portrait of Anton Chekhov
The Party at Sokolniki
The Young Widow at the Grave of Her Husband
Mihail Chemiakin
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
Bandera de los Estados Unidos
Bandera de Francia
sculptor, painter, stage designer
(left on photo with Vladimir Vysotsky)
Monument to Victims of Political Repressions
Indifference, part of The children - victims of adult vices group, 2001
Chistyakov by Repin.jpg Pavel Chistyakov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, arts teacher
(portrait by Chistyakov's pupil Ilya Repin)
Sophia of Lithuania at the Wedding of Vasily the Blind, 1861
Giovannina sitting by the window
Patriarch Hermogenes refuses to bless the Poles
Peter Clodt von Jürgensburg.jpg Peter Clodt
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
(Baltic German descent)
The 3rd group of Anichkov Bridge, Saint Petersburg
Ivan Krylov in Summer Garden, Saint Petersburg
Nicholas I on Isaac's Square, Saint Petersburg


Portrait Person
Demut-Malinovskii portrait.jpg Vasily Demut-Malinovsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical sculptor
Vladimir the Great in Kiev (with Peter Clodt)
The Chariot of Victory on the Triumphal Arch of General Staff Building, Saint Petersburg
The Chariot of Victory on the Narva Triumphal Gates, Saint Petersburg
Alexander Deyneka
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
social realist painter, graphic artist, sculptor
Ceiling mosaic at Mayakovskaya, Moscow metro
Ceiling mosaic at Mayakovskaya, Moscow metro
Ceiling mosaic at Mayakovskaya, Moscow metro
(c. 14401502)
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gif Grand Duchy of Moscow
medieval frescoe and icon-painter
Hodegetria of Smolensk
Christ's Harrowing of Hell
Metropolitan Peter


Portrait Person
Erzya.jpg Stepan Erzia
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Bandera de Argentina
Art Nouveau sculptor, woodcut artist
(a lithography by an Argentinian artist)
Mikhail Evstafiev
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
avante-garde painter, writer, photographer
Village under a dream sky
A photo of circus Chimes act (directed by Valentin Gneushev)
The sky over the city where we were happy, 2006


Portrait Person
Karl Gustavovich Faberge.jpg Peter Carl Fabergé
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
(French descent)
Memory of Azov Egg, 1891
Bouquet of Lilles Clock Egg, 1899
Moscow Kremlin egg, 1906
Falconet, Etienne Maurice.jpg Étienne Maurice Falconet
Plantilla:Geodatos Kingdom of France
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Rococo sculptor
Milo of Croton, 1754
Cupid menacing, 1757
Bronze Horseman, 1782
Favorsky1920e01.jpg Vladimir Favorsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
graphic designer, woodcut illustrator, stage designer, painter
(1920s photo)
Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, woodcut, 1919
Ex libris of Pavel Florensky, engraving, 1922
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, woodcut, 1929
Bronnikov - Portrait of Konstantin Flavitsky.jpg Konstantin Flavitsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical painter
(portrait by Fyodor Bronnikov, 1866)
Pharaoh's daughter finding baby Moses
Children of Jacob sell their brother Joseph, 1855
Princess Tarakanova, 1864
Pavel fedotov 1815 1852.jpg Pavel Fedotov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
realist painter
Breakfast of an Aristocrate
Encore, again Encore!
Young widow, 1851


Portrait Person
Naum Gabo
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Alemania
Bandera del Reino Unido
constructivist sculptor, kinetic artist
Fountain by St Thomas' Hospital, London
Gestileerde bloem, a sculpture in Rotterdam
Galakhov-Nikolai-Nikolaevich-10 sm.jpg Nikolai Galakhov
(born 1928)
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
landscape painter
July on the Volga River, 1983
Sunny day in Kem town, 1985
Karelian birches, 1985
Nikolaj Alexandrowitsch Jaroschenko 009.jpg Nikolai Ge
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
history painter, realist, portraitist
(portrait by Nikolai Yaroshenko)
Peter the Great interrogating Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich at Peterhof Palace, 1871
Leo Tolstoy, 1882
Head of Jesus, 1893
Mikhail Gerasimov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
archaeologist, anthropologist, forensic sculptor
Reconstruction of Rudaki, 1937
Reconstruction of Yaroslav I the Wise, 1938
Reconstruction of Tamerlane
Feofan Grek
(c. 1340c. 1410)
Plantilla:Geodatos Byzantine Empire
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gifGrand Duchy of Moscow
medieval frescoe and icon-painter
St. Makarios of Egypt frescoe
Our Lady of the Don
Transfiguration of Jesus, 1408
Guro selfport.jpg Elena Guro
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
futurist painter
Portrait of Mikhail Matyushin, 1903
Little Deer, 1908/09


Portrait Person
Alexei Harlamov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Francia
painter, portraitist
A Russian Beauty
Literary Pursuits of a Young Lady
The Flower Girls
Viktor Gartman.jpg Viktor Hartmann
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
(Volga German descent)
painter, ornamentist, architect, Russian Revival style artist
Plan for a City Gate in Kiev
Paris Catacombs
Naval Russia's pavilion at the 1873 World Fair, design


Portrait Person
Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov.jpg Alexander Ivanov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical painter
(portrait by Sergey Postnikov)
The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene, 1834-36
The Appearance of Christ before the People, 183657
O.E.Braz The portrait of the artist Sergey Vasilievich Ivanov.jpg Sergei Ivanov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
history painter, realist, graphic artist, illustrator
(portrait by O.E. Braz, 1909)
Living of East Slavs
Monomachos' Princely Congress at Uvetichi
At the Southern Border of Muscovy
Anton Ivanov-Goluboy
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical landscape painter
Italian peasants
Fishing Vessels off a Jetty, Kostroma, 1839


Portrait Person
Valery Jacobi.jpg Valery Jacobi
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical and realist painter
Serene holiday of a beggar, 1860
Prisoners Stopping Place, 1861
Jesters at the Court of Empress Anna, 1872
Alexander Evgenyevich Yakovlev Pierrot Arlecine.jpg Alexandre Jacovleff
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Francia
neoclassical painter, draughtsman, designer, etcher
(self-portrait Arlecchino and Pierrot,1914)
Feodor Chaliapin as Don Quichotte, 1916
Kabuki dancer


Portrait Person
Ilya Kabakov
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Bandera de los Estados Unidos
conceptual installation artist, painter, illustrator
Installation in Münster, Germany
The fallen Chandelier in Zürich, Switzerland
Wordless, on the German-Dutch border
Vassily-Kandinsky.jpeg Wassily Kandinsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Alemania
Bandera de Francia
abstractionist painter
Archivo:Kandinsky-Blue Rider.jpg
Archivo:Wassily Kandinsky - Munich-Schwabing with the Church of St. Ursula.jpg
Munich-Schwabing with the Church of St. Ursula, 1908
Archivo:Kandinsky WWI.jpg
Composition VII, 1913
Kaneev-Mikhail-Alexandrovich-d3bw.jpg Mikhail Kaneev
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
cityscape and landscape painter
Kotelnichesky bridge, 1976
Pskov town, 1979
Novgorod the Great, 1979
Nikolai Kasatkin 7.jpg Nikolay Kasatkin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
realist painter
Rival Ladies, 1890
Miner girl, 1894
Who?, 1897
Khrutsky-self.JPG Ivan Khrutsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
(Polish descent)
still life and genre painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1883)
Flowers and fruits
Portrait of a boy
Still life, 1839
Kiprensky self.jpg Orest Kiprensky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
romantic painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1828)
Yevgraf Davydov, 1809
Vasily Zhukovsky, 1815
Alexander Pushkin, 1827
Vyacheslav Klykov
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
monument sculptor
A bell-tower in Prokhorovka, monument to the Battle of Kursk
Archivo:Cyril and Methodius Klykov.JPG
Saints Cyril and Methodius in Moscow
Sergey Konenkov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
(portrait by Pavel Korin)
Kore, 1912
Bather, 1917
The Poor, 1917
Pavel Korin photo.jpg Pavel Korin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
history painter, portraitist, art restorer
(1932 photo)
Alexander Nevsky, 1932, on 1967 post mark
Artwork on Komsomolskaya station of Moscow metro, 1952
Portrait of Konstantin Korovin.jpg Konstantin Korovin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Francia
impressionist painter
(portrait by Valentin Serov, 1891)
Two Ladies On a Terrace, 1911
Pier in Gurzuf, 1914
Feodor Chaliapin, 1915
Mikhail Kozlovsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical sculptor
Cupids, a draft
Alexander Suvorov as Mars, Saint Petersburg, 17991801
Samson fountain in Peterhof Palace, 1800-02
Kramskoi1.jpg Ivan Kramskoi
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, portraitist, arts critic
Christ in the desert, 1872
Unknown Woman, 1883
Alexander III, 1886
Vasnetsov Kuindzhi.jpg Arkhip Kuindzhi
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
(Greek descent)
landscape painter
(portrait by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1869)
The Ladoga Lake, 1873
A birch grove, 1879
Elbrus, 1890-1895
Kustodiev self portrait.jpg Boris Kustodiev
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
painter, stage designer
(self-portrait, 1912)
The Merchant's Wife, 1918
Bolshevik, 1920
Russian Venus, 1926


Portrait Person
100px Mikhail Larionov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Francia
avant-garde painter
(self-portrait, 1910)
Archivo:Larionov akaziivesnoj.jpg
Acacias in Spring, 1904
Archivo:Larionov red rayonism.jpg
Red Rayonism, 1913
Klavdy Lebedev
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
history painter
Svyatoslav's meeting with Emperor John
Baptism of Kievans
Lentulov Self-portrait 1915.jpg Aristarkh Lentulov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
avant-garde painter
(self-portrait, 1915)
Skybell (Nebozvon)
Unknown Lady in Blue
Saint Basil's Cathedral, 1913
Alexei Leonov UR.jpg Alexey Leonov
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
cosmonaut and painter
Human spacewalk on 1972 post stamp (with Andrey Sokolov)
Lunokhod 1 on 1972 post stamp (with Andrey Sokolov)
Isaac Levitan selfportrait1880.jpg Isaac Levitan
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
(Jewish descent)
landscape painter
(self-portrait, 1880)
Birch Forest, 1885-1889
Over Eternal Peace, 1894
March, 1895
Levitsky by Repin.jpg Rafail Levitsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
romantic, genre, impressionist painter, photographer
(portrait by Ilya Repin, 1878)
Bridge in the Woods, 1885-86
View of Mazzolada di Lison, Veneto, Italy, 1896
Archivo:Morning Impression along a Canal in Venice.JPG
Morning Impression along a Canal in Venice, Veneto, Italy, 1896
Levitzky self.jpg Dmitry Levitzky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1783)
Prokofiy Demidov, 1773
Duchess Ursula Mniszech, 1782
Yekaterina Dashkova, 1784
Lomonosovportrait.jpg Mikhail Lomonosov
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gif Tsardom of Russia
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
polymath, scientist, writer, artist
(portrait by L. S. Miropol'sky, 1787, after G. Prenner)
A ship model
Peter I mosaic, 1754
Battle of Poltava mosaic, 1762-64
Anton Losenko
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical painter, portraitist
Ivan Shuvalov, 1760
Vladimir and Rogneda, 1770


Portrait Person
Konstantin Makovsky-Self-Portrait-1856.jpg Konstantin Makovsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
history painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1856)
Tamara and Demon, 1889
Proclamation of Kuzma Minin, 1896
Self-Portrait (1908 or 1910-1911).jpg Kazimir Malevich
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
(Polish descent)
suprematist avante-garde painter
(self-portrait, 1912)
Englishman in Moscow, 1914
Black Square, 1913
Mower, 1930
90px Sergey Malyutin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
painter, folk artist, architect, portraitist
The first Russian matryoshka doll (carved by Zvyozdochkin), 1890
Pertsov Building design, Moscow, 1906-1910
Dmitry Furmanov, 1922
I.P. Martos by P.O. Rossi.JPG Ivan Martos
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical scultpor
(portrait by P.O. Rossi, 1813)
Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square, Moscow, 1918
Duc de Richelieu, Odessa, 1828
Alexander I, Taganrog, 1830
Mayakovsky 1912.jpg Vladimir Mayakovsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
avante-garde poet, playwright and propaganda artist
(1912 photo)
Rosta Windows agitprop
Costumes draft for Mystery Buff, 1919
Rosta Windows agitprop
Mikeshin by Repin.jpg Mikhail Mikeshin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical sculptor
(portrait by Ilya Repin, 1888)
Millennium of Russia in Veliky Novgorod, 1859
Catherine II in Saint Petersburg, 1873
Bohdan Khmelnytsky in Kiev, 1888
В.И.Мухина.jpg Vera Mukhina
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
sculptress, social realist
(portrait by Mikhail Nesterov, 1940)
Worker and Kolkhoz Woman, 1937
Grain, 1937


Portrait Person
Vladimir Putin 6 October 2000-2.jpg Ernst Neizvestny
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
Bandera de los Estados Unidos
(left on photo, receiving Order of Honor from Vladimir Putin, 2000)
Nikita Khrushchev's tomb at the Novodevichy Cemetery, 1971
Archivo:Lotus Flower sculpture full.jpg
Lotus Flower at the Aswan Dam in Egypt, 1971
Портрет М.В.Нестерова.jpg Mikhail Nesterov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
religious symbolist painter, portraitist
(portrait by Viktor Vasnetsov)
The Vision of the Youth Bartholomew, 189091
Holy Rus', 1901-06
Philosophers Pavel Florensky and Sergei Bulgakov, 1917
Gury Nikitin
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gif Tsardom of Russia
fresco and icon-painter, illustrator
Quiricus and Julietta, c. 1680
The head of John the Baptist, c. 1680
The feast of the Cross, c. 1680
Ivan Nikitin
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gif Tsardom of Russia
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, portraitist
Princess Elizabeth, 1712-1713
Hetman (Pavlo Polubotok?), 1720es
Peter the Great on the deathbed, 1725


Portrait Person
Opekushin.jpg Alexander Opekushin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
monument sculptor, architecture decorator
Pushkin, Moscow, 1880
Karl Baer, Tartu, 1886
Alexander II, Moscow, 1898
Boris Orlovsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical monument sculptor
Mikhail Kutuzov in front of Kazan Cathedral, Saint Petersburg
Michael Barclay de Tolly in front of Kazan Cathedral, Saint Petersburg
The angel on the Alexander Column, Saint Petersburg
Osipov-Sergei-Ivanovich-9bw.jpg Sergei Osipov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
landscape and still life painter
A House with Arch, 1972
Early green, 1982


Portrait Person
Pasternak self wife.jpg Leonid Pasternak
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Alemania
Plantilla:Geodatos Great Britain
(Jewish descent)
post-impressionist painter, graphic artist, illustrator
(self-portrait with wife Rosa Kaufman, 1927)
Moscow in Winter, 1912
E. Levina, 1916
AndrewPavlovsky.jpg Andrew Pavlovsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
expressionist painter, graphic designer
The beloved, 1994
The blue bottle, 1998
Trees at the river, 2001
Perov-self.jpg Vasily Perov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
realist painter
Troika, 1866
The Hunters at Rest, 1871
A Governess Arriving at a Merchant's House
Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
symbolist painter
Bathing of a Red Horse, 1912
On the Line of Fire, 1916
Petrograd Madonna, 1918
Polenov by Repin.jpg Vasily Polenov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
llandscape painter, realist
(portrait by Ilya Repin)
A courtyard in Moscow, 1878
Grandma's garden
Caesar's amusement
Liubov Popova
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
cubist abstractionist paintress
Air+Man+Space, 1912
The Pianist, 1914
Portrait of a Philosopher, 1915
Vasili Pukirev
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
realist painter
The Unequal Marriage, 1862
Metropolitan Philip and Ivan IV


Portrait Person
Charles Radoff
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
landscape painter, neo-impressionist
Archivo:Radoff Autumn Colors.jpg
Autumn Colors, 1970
Archivo:Radoff 2.jpg
Mother Russia, 1968
Archivo:Radoff 3.jpg
Quiet Dusk, 1968
REPIN portret REPIN.jpg Ilya Repin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Bandera de Finlandia
history painter, realist, portraitist
(self-portrait 1878)
Barge Haulers on the Volga, 1870-73
Cossacks write to the Turkish Sultan, 1880-91
Pushkin Reciting His Poem Before Old Derzhavin, 1911
Rodchenko 1.jpg Alexander Rodchenko
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
avante garde painter, sculptor, photographer, graphic designer
(1923 photo)
Dance, 1913
The Battleship Potemkin poster, 1926
N Roerich.jpg Nicholas Roerich
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, philosopher, culture scientist, traveler, public figure
(portrait by Svetoslav Roerich, 1944)
Guests from Overseas, 1901
Pax Cultura, 1931
The Victory, 1942
Fyodor Rokotov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, portraitist
Count I. G. Orlov, c.1762-1765
Catherine II, 1770
Lady in a Pink Dress, 1770s
85px Andrei Rublev
(c. 13601430)
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gifGrand Duchy of Moscow
medieval frescoe and icon-painter
(Russian Icon of St. Andrei Rublev, holding one of his works)
Trinity, c. 1410
Christ the Redeemer, c. 1410
Archangel Michael
Russov-Lev-Alexandrovich-3bw.jpg Lev Russov
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
portrait, genre, and still life painter
Portrait of wife, 1956
Portrait of Mravinsky, 1957
Little bow, 1960
SmatheRyabushkin.jpg Andrei Ryabushkin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
history painter
(portrait by Vasiliy Mate)
Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the Boyar Duma, 1893
Merchant Family in the XVII century, 1896
A Young Man Breaking into the Girls' Dance, 1902


Portrait Person
Vasily Sadovnikov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
perspective painter
Palace Square, c. 1847
Arch of the General Staff Building, 1956
Anichkov Palace, 1862
Samokhvalov-Alexander-Nikolaevich-17w.jpg Alexander Samokhvalov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union

easel and monumental painter, graphic artist, book illustrator
In the sun, 1953
Cafe in Gurzuf, 1956
On the beach, 1964
Bogdan Saltanov
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gifTsardom of Russia
(Armenian descent)
icon-painter, illustrator, portraitist
Cross of Kiy of the Crucifix church in Moscow Kremlin, 1670s
Feodor III of Russia (attribution disputed), 1685
Konstantin Savitsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
realist painter
Repairing the Railroad , 1874
Morning in a Pine Forest by Ivan Shishkin, 1886 (Savitsky wrote bears)
To the War, 1888
Savrasov (by Iosif Volkov).jpg Alexei Savrasov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
lyrical landscape painter
(portrait by Iosif Volkov)
The Rooks Have Come Back, 1871
Sukharev Tower, 1872
Rasputitsa (Sea of Mud), 1894
Semionov-Alex01bw.jpg Alexander Semionov
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
cityscape and landscape painter
Malaya Sadovaya Street, 1979
Old Ladoga. Towards spring, 1972
Leningrad Theme, 1974
Serebryakova SefPortrait.jpg Zinaida Serebriakova
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Bandera de Francia
paintress, social realist
(self-portrait At the Dressing-Table, 1909)
O.K. Lansere, 1910 (on 1988 post mark)
Serov Self.jpg Valentin Serov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
impressionist painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1880s)
The girl with peaches, 1887
The Kidnapping of Europe
Ivan Shadr in studio.jpg Ivan Shadr
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
(c. 1930s photo)
Gravestone of Nadezhda Alliluyeva, 1933
Girl with an Oar, 1936
Shchedrin self.jpg Silvestr Shchedrin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical landscape painter
(self-portrait, 1817)
Lake of Albano, 1825
Moon Night in Naples, 1828
Terrace of the Seashore, 1828
Taras Shevchenko selfportrait oil 1840.jpg Taras Shevchenko
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
romantic poet and painter
(self-portrait, 1840)
Gypsy Fortune Teller, 1841
Illustration to poem Kateryna, 1842
Iwan Nikolajewitsch Kramskoj 005.jpg Ivan Shishkin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
landscape painter
(portrait by Ivan Kramskoi, 1880)
Morning in a Pine Forest, 1886
Rye Fields
Rain in an Oak Forest
USSR stamp 1955 CPA 1856.jpg Fedot Shubin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical sculptor
(self-portrait, here on 1955 Soviet post mark)
Antonio Rinaldi, medallion, 1782
Mikhail Lomonosov,1792
1н.jpg Silaeva Nina
Bandera de Rusia
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union

Elephants Tarangire Slony Tarangiri a canvas oil 50х70 2010
Africa Tanzania Zanzibar Indian Ocean oil on canvas
Serpukhov Vysotsky monastery oil on canvas 2005 90x60
90px Anatolii Ivanovich Sivkov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union

easel painter, graphic artist, stage designer
Siberian Shaman, 2002
Archivo:Sivkov-Siberian Nude.jpg
Nude, 2001
Konstantin Somov.JPG Konstantin Somov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, graphic artist, illustrator, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1898)
Alexander Blok's Theatre, 1909
A galant scene
Sergei Rachmaninoff, 1925
Soroka-self.jpg Grigory Soroka
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
genre painter, portraitist
Dam in Spasskoye, Tambov Guberniya, 1840s
Peasant boy, 1840s
Reflection in a mirror, 1850s
SurikovSelfPortrait.jpg Vasily Surikov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
history painter
Bronze Horseman, 1870
March of Suvorov through the Alps, 1899


Portrait Person
Timkov-Nikolai-Efimovich-8bw.jpg Nikolai Timkov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
landscape painter
A Morning, 1963
Torzhok town, 1968
Russian winter, 1969
90px Feodor Tolstoy
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical painter, illustrator, medallion and wax-relief artist
(portrait by Sergey Zaryanko, 1850)
People's militia of 1812, 1816
Family portrait, 1830
An illustration to Dushenka, 1820-33
Nikolai Tomsky
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
monument sculptor
Admiral Nakhimov, Sevastopol
Nikolai Gogol, Moscow, 1952
Gravestone of Joseph Stalin at the Kremlin Wall, Moscow, 1970
Tropinin-self.jpg Vasily Tropinin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
romantic painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1844)
The Lace Maker, 1823
Alexander Pushkin, 1827
Woman in the window, 1841
Zurab Tsereteli
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
painter, sculptor, architect
(left on photo with Eunice Kennedy Shriver)
Tear of Grief sculpture in memory of 9/11, New Jersey, 2006
St. George Statue, Tbilisi, 2006


Portrait Person
Grigory Ugryumov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
neoclassical history painter
The Trial of Strength of Jan Usmar, 1796-97
Vocation of Mikhail Romanov, before 1800
Capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible, before 1800
Yevgeny Ukhnalyov
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
painter, illustrator, designer, heraldic artist
Standard of the President of Russia
Star of the Order of Service to the Fatherland
State Prize of Russia medal
Simon Ushakov
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gifTsardom of Russia
Saviour Not Made by Hands, 1658
Archangel Michael Trampling the Devil Underfoot, 1676
Last Supper, 1685


Portrait Person
Selfportrait 74x66 (cmxcm) 2010.JPG Nina Tokhtaman Valetova
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Federation
metaphysical realism, fantasy, and visionary painter
(self-portrait, 2010)
Claustrophobia, 2003
Lost Without a Trace, 2008
Ancient Epics of Ancestors, 2008
Vasilyev self.JPG Feodor Vasilyev
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
lyrical landscape painter
(self-portrait, 1873)
After a Thunderstorm, 1868
Illumination in St. Petersburg, 1869
Wet Medow, 1872
Портрет художника А.М. Васнецова.jpg Apollinary Vasnetsov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
history painter, stage designer
(portrait by Viktor Vasnetsov, 1890)
Arrival of Rurik to Ladoga
Founding of Moscow
Moscow Kremlin, 1897
Автопортрет. 1868.jpg Viktor Vasnetsov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
mythology and history painter, Russian Revival style artist
(self-portrait, 1868)
Flying Carpet, 1880
Bogatyrs, 1990
The Frog Princess, 1918
Venetsianov self.jpg Alexey Venetsianov
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
genre painter
(self-portrait, 1810)
Spring, On a plough-land, 1820s
Girl in a shawl
Fortune telling, 1842
Vasili Vereshchagin.jpg Vasily Vereshchagin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
battle painter
The Apotheosis of War, 1871
Blowing from Guns in British India, 1884
Peace at all costs (Napoleon in Moscow)
Ivan Vishnyakov
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gif Tsardom of Russia
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Petr Ivanovich Panin, 1742
A Girl with a Bird
Sarah Eleonor Fermor, 1750
Vrubel Self Portrait 1885.jpg Mikhail Vrubel
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
(GermanPolish descent)
symbolist painter
(self-portrait, 1885)
Demon Sitting, 1890
Nadezhda Zabela-Vrubel as The Swan Princess, 1900
Lilac, 1900
RR5110-0092R.png Yevgeny Vuchetich
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
monument sculptor
Soviet War Memorial in Berlin, 1946-49
Let Us Beat Swords into Plowshares in the UN garden, New York, 1957


Portrait Person
Marianne von Werefkin Selbstbildnis um 1910-1.jpg Marianne von Werefkin
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Flag of Switzerland.svg
(German descent)
avante-garde expressionist paintress
(self-portrait, c. 1910)
Autumn. School, 1907
A Red City, 1909


Portrait Person
Nikolay YAroshenko Avtoportret.JPG
Nikolai Yaroshenko
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
realist, genre and landscape painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1895)
Gipsy Woman, 1886
On Swing, 1888
Vladimir Solovyov, 1892
Konstantin Yuon
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Plantilla:Geodatos Soviet Union
painter, stage designer
Troitse-Sergiyeva Lavra from Vokzalnaya Street, 1911
Rostov the Great in Winter, 1906


Portrait Person
Zakharov-Chechenets-Auto.jpg Pyotr Zakharov-Chechenets
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
painter, portraitist
(self-portrait, 1842)
Children of Pyotr Yermolov, 1839
Aleksey Petrovich Yermolov, 1842
Timofey Granovsky, 1845
Karp Zolotaryov
(fl. last quarter of the 17th century)
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gifTsardom of Russia
icon-painter, interior designer, wood carver
Holy martyrs Faith, Hope and Charity and their mother Sophia, 1685
Alexey Zubov
(1682c. 1750)
Coat of Arms of Russia 1497.gifTsardom of Russia
Plantilla:Geodatos Russian Empire
Swedish Ships Brought to Saint Petersburg after the Battle of Gangut, 1715
View of Catherinehof, 1716
Battle of Grengam, end of 1720s

See also

  • Russian Academy of Arts
  • Russian culture
  • List of 19th-century Russian painters
  • List of 20th-century Russian painters
  • List of painters of Saint Petersburg Union of Artists

Plantilla:Russian art movements Plantilla:Painters of Leningrad Union of Artists Plantilla:Lists of Russians

Wikimedia foundation. 2010.

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