- Anexo:Piratas
Esta es una lista de piratas, bucaneros, corsarios, filibusteros, vitalianos, berberiscos, vikingos y otras personas involucradas en la piratería y otras actividades relacionadas. Esta lista incluye tanto a los capitanes y miembros destacados de la tripulación.
Mundo Antiguo
Denario emitido por Sexto Pompeyo, celebrando su victoria sobre la flota de César Augusto. En el anverso figura el faro de Messina, y en el reverso, el monstruo Escila.Nombre Vida Período de actividad País de origen Comentarios Aniceto aprox. 69 Pontus (Helénica) Era el líder de un fallido levantamiento contra los romanos en el Ponto, en el año 69 a.C. Demetrio de Faros aprox. 214 a.C Hvar (Helénica) Sus acciones precipitaron la Segunda Guerra Ilírica. Dionisio el Foceo 494 a.C Grecia Almirante foceo activo en contra de Cartago y los comerciantes tirrenios en los años siguientes a las Guerras Médicas. Erik, el Rojo 950-1002 Noruega Fundó el primer asentamiento vikingo en Groenlandia. Gan Ning ?–218 190–197 China Fue uno de los mejores generales del reino de Wu, durante el período de la lucha de los Tres Reinos de China. Gentio I a.C Illyria Fue acusado por los romanos de organizar y ayudar a las incursiones piratas en Italia. Glauketas 315–300 a.C Inscripciones griegas muestran a la marina ateniense atacando la isla Citnos y la captura de él y sus hombres, "haciendo al mar seguro para aquellos que navegaban en el". Leif, el Afortunado 970-1020 aprox. Islandia Hijo de Erik, el Rojo, es considerado como uno de los primeros europeos que llegó a América del Norte. Polícrates de Samos 570-522 a.C. Samos Al mando de más de 100 embarcaciones, se había convertido en el pirata más importante de la antigüedad. Sus naves siempre llegaban cargadas de muchas riquezas a Samos. Sexto Pompeyo aprox. 35 a.C. Roma Él fue el último foco de oposición al Segundo Triunvirato. Edad Media
Nombre Vida Período de actividad País de origen Comentarios Giorgio Adorno d. 1558 Malta Caballero de Malta activo en el Mediterráneo. Originario de Nápoles, fue elegido "Capitán General de las Galeras", en 1547, 1549, 1557 y 1558.[1] William Aleyn fl. 1448 1440s Inglaterra Pirata inglés activó en el río Támesis y en el Canal de la Mancha. Trabajó con William Kyd. Richard Allen d. 1572 Inglaterra Jean Ango 1480–1551 Francia Aruj 1474–1518 1503–1518 Imperio Otomano Awilda Escandinavia Jeireddín Barbarroja 1478–1546 1504–1545 Imperio Otomano Baltassare Cossa 1370–1415 Procida Antipapa Pier Gerlofs Donia 1480–1520 Alemania (Frisia) Erico de Pomerania 1382–1459 Alemania (Pomerania) Eustaquio el Monje c. 1170–1217 Francia Alv Erlingsson c. 1290 Noruega Jean Fleury (Florin) fl. 1523 1520s Francia Magnus Heinason 1545–1589 Islas Feroe Klein Henszlein d. 1573 to 1573 Alemania Wijerd Jelckama 1490–1523 Alemania (Frisia) William Kyd fl. 1430–1453 1430s–1450s Inglaterra Gottfried Michaelsen d. 1402 to 1402 Alemania Didrik Pining c.1430–1491 Alemania Hans Pothorst c.1440–1490 Alemania Salih Reis 1488–1568 Imperio Otomano Turgut Reis 1485–1565 Imperio Otomano Klaus Störtebeker 1360–1401 Alemania Kristoffer Throndsen c.1500–1565 c.1535–1542 Noruega Hennig Wichmann 1370–1402 149?–1402 Alemania (Frisia) Cord Widderich d. 1447 1404–1447 Alemania Magister Wigbold 1365–1402 1392–1402 Alemania Wimund b. 1147 Inglaterra Roger de Flor 1266-1305 Italia Al mando de la Gran Compañía Catalana, con 40 barcos llenos de almogávares, ayudo al emperador bizantino Andrónico II a enfrentar los ataques turcos. La rebelión de los Sea Dogs ingleses y los corsarios holandeses: 1560-1650
Nombre Vida Período de actividad País de origen Comentarios Nicholas Alvel early 17th century 1603 England Active in the Ionian Sea. Pedro Menéndez de Avilés 1519–1574 1565 España Samuel Axe early 17th century 1629–1645 Inglaterra Sir Andrew Barton 1466–1511 1511 Escocia Abraham Blauvelt d. 1663 1640–1663 Holanda Nathaniel Butler b. 1578 1639 Inglaterra Jan de Bouff early 17th century 1602 Holanda John Callis (Calles) c. 1558–1587? c. 1574–1587 Inglaterra Hendrik (Enrique) Brower 1581–1643 1600,
1643Holanda Thomas Cavendish 1560–1592 1587–1592 Inglaterra Shirahama Kenki siglos XVI-XVII Japon Matsuura Takanobu 1529–1599 Japón Peter Love c. 1610 Inglaterra Zheng Zhilong (Cheng Chih Lung) 1604–1662 1623–1645 China Zheng Jing (Cheng Chin) 1643–1682 1662–1682 China Wang Zhi 1551–1555 China Francois le Clerc (Jambe de Bois) 16th century 1650–1660 Francia Jacob Collaart 1625–1635 Holanda Claes Compaan 1587–1660 1621–1627 Holanda Baltazar de Cordes 1598–1601 Holanda Simon (Zyman) the Dancer fl. 1606–1609 Holanda Simon Danziker d. 1611 1600–1610s Holanda De Veenboer 1600–1610 Holanda Uluj Ali (Giovanni Dionigi) 1519–1587 1536–1550 Turquía Sir Francis Drake 1540–1596 1563–1596 Inglaterra Peter Easton 1570–1619 1602 Inglaterra Jan Janszoon 1570–1641 Holanda Daniel Elfrith 1607–1640 Inglaterra Jan Evertsen 1630 Holanda Juan Garcia fl. 1622 1620 España Sir Michael Geare c. 1565–? c. 1584–1603 Inglaterra Sir John Hawkins 1532–1595 1554, 1564, 1567 Inglaterra Piet Hein 1577–1629 1628 Holanda Pieter Adriaanszoon Ita fl. 1628–1630 1620s Holanda Jan Jacobsen d. 1622 1610–1620 Holanda Referencias
- ↑ Rogozinski, Jan. Pirates!: Brigands, Buccaneers, and Privateers in Fact, Fiction, and Legend. Nueva York: Da Capo Press, 1996. ISBN 0-306-80722-X
Lecturas Adicionales
Mundo Antiguo
- Bulwer, Edward Lytton. Athens, Its Rise and Fall: With Views of the Literature, Philosophy, and Social Life of the Athenian People. New York: Harper & brothers Publishers, 1852.
- Livy, History of Rome, Rev. Canon Roberts (translator), Ernest Rhys (Ed.); (1905) London: J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd.
- Plutarch, "Aratus" in John Dryden (translator). Two volumes. Modern Library; Modern Library Paperback Ed edition (April 10, 2001). Downloadable version at Project Gutenberg. Vol. 2: ISBN 0375756779.
- Polybius, Histories, Evelyn S. Shuckburgh (translator); London, New York. Macmillan (1889); Reprint Bloomington (1962).
- Pritchett, William Kendrick. The Greek State at War. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1974. ISBN 0-520-02565-2
- Rawlinson, George; Benjamin Jowett, Henry Graham Dakyns and Edward James Chinnock. Greek Historians: The Complete and Unabridged Historical Works of Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon and Arrian. New York: Random House Incorporated, 1942.
- Rogozinski, Jan. Pirates!: Brigands, Buccaneers, and Privateers in Fact, Fiction, and Legend. New York: Da Capo Press, 1996. ISBN 0-306-80722-X
- Shaw, Philip. The Sublime. New York: Routledge, 2006. ISBN 0-415-26847-8
- Strabo, Geography, translated by Horace Leonard Jones; Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press; London: William Heinemann, Ltd. (1924). Books 8-9: ISBN 0-674-99216-4, Books 13-14: ISBN 0-674-99246-6.
- Thirlwall, Connop. A History of Greece. London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1846.
- Walbank, F. W., Philip V of Macedon, The University Press (1940).
- Waltari, Mika; The Etruscan (Turms kuolematon, 1955).
- Wilkes, John, The Illyrians (Peoples of Europe), Blackwell Publishers, (December 1, 1995) ISBN 0-631-19807-5.
Edad Media
- Bono, Salvatore, Corsari nel Mediterraneo (Corsairs in the Mediterranean), Oscar Storia Mondadori. Perugia, 1993.
- Bottling, Douglas. The Pirates. Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books Inc., 1978.
- Bracker, Jörgen : Klaus Störtebeker – only one of them. The history of the Vitalienbrüder. In: Wilfried honour-break (Hrsg.): Störtebeker. 600 years after its death (Hansi studies; Bd. 15). Porta Alba publishing house, Luebeck 2001, ISBN 3-933701-14-7
- Bradford, Ernle, The Sultan's Admiral: the Life of Barbarossa, London, 1968.
- Currey, E. Hamilton, Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean,, London, 1910
- John of Fordun, Chronicle of the Scottish Nation. Edited by William Forbes Skene, translated by Felix J.H. Skene. Reprinted, Llanerch Press, Lampeter, 1993. ISBN 1-897853-05-X
- Knecht, R.J. Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. ISBN 0-521-57885-X
- McDonald, R. Andrew Outlaws of Medieval Scotland: Challenges to the Canmore Kings, 1058–1266. Tuckwell Press, East Linton, 2003. ISBN 1-86232-236-8
- Oram, Richard, David I: The King who made Scotland. Tempus, Stroud, 2004. ISBN 0-7524-2825-X
- Rogozinski, Jan. Pirates!: Brigands, Buccaneers, and Privateers in Fact, Fiction, and Legend. New York: Da Capo Press, 1996. ISBN 0-306-80722-X
- William of Newburgh, Historia rerum anglicarum, Book 1 Ch.24, "Of bishop Wimund, his life unbecoming a bishop, and how he was deprived of his sight", Full-text online.
- Wolf, John B., The Barbary Coast: Algeria under the Turks, New York, 1979; ISBN 0-393-01205-0
La rebelión de los Sea Dogs ingleses y los corsarios holandeses: 1560-1650
- Andrade, Tonio. "The Company's Chinese Pirates: How the Dutch East India Company Tried to Lead a Coalition of Pirates to War Against China, 1621–1662."
- Bicheno, Hugh Crescent and Cross: The Battle of Lepanto 1571, Phoenix Paperback, 2004, ISBN 1-84212-753-5
- Rachel Carley (2000). Cuba: 400 Years of Architectural Heritage. Watson-Guptill. p. 224. ISBN 0823011283.
- David Cordingly (1997). Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates. Harvest Books. p. 320. ISBN 0156005492.
- Currey, E. Hamilton Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean, London, 1910.
- Earle, Peter. The Pirate Wars, 2003
- Gerhard, Peter. Pirates of New Spain, 1575–1742. Mineola, NY: Courier Dover Publications, 2003. ISBN 0-486-42611-4
- van der Hoven, Marco, ed. Exercise of Arms: Warfare in the Netherlands, 1568–1648. Brill Academic Publishers, 1997. ISBN 90-04-10727-4
- Hughes-Hallett, Lucy. Heroes: A History of Hero Worship. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, New York, 2004. ISBN 1-4000-4399-9.
- Kupperman, Karen Ordahl. Providence Island, 1630–1641: The Other Puritan Colony. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993. ISBN 978-0-521-55835-8
- Lane, Kris E. Pillaging the Empire: Piracy in the Americas, 1500–1750. Armonk, New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1998. ISBN 0-7656-0257-1
- Manthorpe, Jonathan. Forbidden Nation: A History of Taiwan. New York, 2005.
- Mattingly, Garett, The Defeat of the Spanish Armada, ISBN 0-395-08366-4 – a detailed account of the defeat of the Spanish Armada, it received a special citation from the Pulitzer Prize committee in 1960.
- Maxwell, Kenneth. Naked Tropics: Essays on Empire and Other Rogues. London: Routledge (UK), 2003. ISBN 0-415-94576-3
- Mcgrath, John Terrence. The French in Early Florida: In the Eye of the Hurricane. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2000. ISBN 0-8130-1784-X
- Michael, Franz. The Origin of Manchu Rule in China. Baltimore, 1942. Journal of World History, 2004 Dec.; 15(4):415-444.
- Miguel de Cervantes, in chapter XXXIX of his classic El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, mentions Uluç Ali under the name of "Uchali", describing briefly his rise to the regency of Algiers.
- Rodger, N.A.M. The Safeguard of the Sea; A Naval History of Britain 660–1649. (London, 1997).
- Roding, Juliette and Lex Heerma van Voss, ed. The North Sea and Culture (1550–1800). Larenseweg, Netherlands: Uitgeverij VerLoren, 1996. ISBN 90-6550-527-X
- Rogozinski, Jan. Pirates!: Brigands, Buccaneers, and Privateers in Fact, Fiction, and Legend. New York: Da Capo Press, 1996. ISBN 0-306-80722-X
- Schmidt, Benjamin. Innocence Abroad: The Dutch Imagination and the New World, 1570–1670. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-521-80408-6
- Stradling, R.A. The Armada of Flanders: Spanish Maritime Policy and European War, 1568–1668 (Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History). Cambridge University Press, 1992. ISBN 978-0521405348 (issued in paperback 2004, ISBN 978-0521525121)
- Wolf, John B. The Barbary Coast: Algeria under the Turks, W.W. Norton, New York/London, 1979, ISBN 0-393-01205-0.
Edad de los Bucaneros: 1650–1690
- Haring, Clarence. The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century. Methuen, 1910.
- Walpole, Horace, Letters, Volume 4 (at Project Gutenberg)
- Marley, David F. Pirates and Privateers of the Americas. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, Inc., 1994.
- Morris, Mowbray. Tales of the Spanish Main. Kessinger Publishing, 2005. ISBN 141795373X
- Riccardo Capoferro, Frontiere del racconto. Letteratura di viaggio e romanzo in Inghilterra, 1690–1750, Meltemi, 2007.
- Rogozinski, Jan. Pirates!: Brigands, Buccaneers, and Privateers in Fact, Fiction, and Legend. New York: Da Capo Press, 1996. ISBN 0-306-80722-X
- Rogozinski, Jan. Pirates: an A-Z Encyclopedia. New York: Da Capo Press, 1996.
- The Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Barth. Sharp and Others in the South Sea, Being a Journal of the Same; Also Capt. Van Horn with His Buccanieres Surprising of La Veracruz; to Which is Added the True Relation of Sir Henry Morgan His Expedition Against the Spaniards in the West-Indies and His Taking Panama; Together with the President of Panama’s [i.e., Juan Perez de Guzman] Account of the Same Expedition, Translated Out of the Spanish; and Col. Beeston’s Adjustment of the Peace Between the Spaniards and English in the West Indies. London: Printed by B.W. for R.H. and S.T. and are to be sold by Walter Davis…, 1684.
- The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography
Edad de Oro de la piratería: 1690–1730
- Andrews, Thomas F. (editor) (1979) English Privateers at Cabo San Lucas: the Descriptive Accounts of Puerto Seguro by Edward Cooke (1712) and Woodes Rogers (1712), with Added Comments by George Shelvocke (1726) and William Betagh (1728). Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles.
- Bolster, W. Jeffrey. Black Jacks: African American Seamen in the Age of Sail.
- Breverton, Terry (2003) The Book of Welsh Pirates and Buccaneers. Glyndwr Publishing. ISBN 1-903529-09-3
- Cooke, Edward (1712) A Voyage to the South Sea and Round the World. 3 vols. Lintot, London
- Ellms, Charles (1837) The Pirate's Own Book: Authentic Narratives of the Most Celebrated Sea Robbers. Portland ME: Sanborn & Carter (reissued: New York: Dover Publications 1993 ISBN 0-486-27607-4)
- Gilbert, H. (1986) The Book of Pirates. London: Bracken Books.
- Johnson, Charles (1724) A General History of the Pyrates. 2 vols. London: Charles Rivington
- Johnson, Charles (1724) A General History of the Pyrates, from their First Rise and Settlement in the Island of Providence, to the Present Time.... 2nd ed. London: Printed for, and sold by, T. Warner
- Johnson, Charles (1724) A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the Most Notorious Pirates (1998 ed.). Conway Maritime Press. ISBN 978-0-85177-732-0.
- Johnson, Charles (1728) The History of the Pirates: containing the lives of Captain Mission…. London: Printed for, and sold by, T. Woodward, 1728.
- Little, Bryan (1960) Crusoe's Captain: Being the Life of Woodes Rogers, seaman, trader, colonial governor. London: Odhams Press
- Menefee, S. P. "Vane, Charles," in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, vol. 56 (2004): pp. 94–95.
- Pennell, C. R. (2001) Bandits at Sea: a Pirates Reader. New York: NYU Press ISBN 0-8147-6678-1
- Pickering, David (2006) Pirates". CollinsGem. New York: HarperCollins Publishers; pp 80–82
- Rediker, Marcus (2004) Villains of All Nations: Atlantic pirates in the Golden Age. Boston: Beacon Press ISBN 0-8070-5024-5
- Rogers, Woodes (1712) A Cruising Voyage Round the World. London: Andrew Bell
- Rogozinski, Jan (1996) Pirates!: Brigands, Buccaneers, and Privateers in Fact, Fiction, and Legend. New York: Da Capo Press ISBN 0-306-80722-X
- Rogozinski, Jan (2000) Honor Among Thieves: Captain Kidd, Henry Every, and the Pirate Democracy in the Indian Ocean. Stackpole Books ISBN 0811715299
- Seitz, Don Carlos, Gospel, Howard F. & Wood, Stephen (2002) Under the Black Flag: Exploits of the Most Notorious Pirates. Mineola, New York: Courier Dover Publications ISBN 0-486-42131-7
- Smith, Captain Alexander (1926) History of the Highwaymen. London: George Routledge & Sons ISBN 0-415-28678-6
- Steele, Philip (2004) The World of Pirates. Boston: Kingfisher Publications ISBN 0-7534-5786-5
- The Tryals of Major Stede Bonnet, and Other Pirates. London: Printed for Benj. Cowse at the Rose and Crown in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1719.
Decaimiento de la piratería: 1730–1900
- Cordingly, David (1997). Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates. Harvest Books.
- Gregory, Kristiana. The Stowaway: A Tale of California Pirates. Scholastic Trade, 1995. ISBN 0-590-48822-8
- Pickering, David. "Pirates". CollinsGem. HarperCollins Publishers, New York, NY. pp-96-97. 2006
- Rothert, Otto A. The Outlaws of Cave-In-Rock, Otto A. Rothert, Cleveland 1924; rpt. 1996 ISBN 0-8093-2034-7
- El capitán Blood de David Smith (1924)
- El pirata negro de Albert Parker (1926)
- La isla del tesoro de Victor Flemming (1934)
- Simbad de George Pal (1936)
- Corsarios de Florida de Cecil De Mille (1938)
- El halcón del mar de Michael Curtiz (1940)
- El cisne negro de Hery King (1942)
- El pirata y la dama de Mitchell Leisen (1944)
- El capitán Kidd de Rowland Lee (1945)
- La mujer pirata de Jacques Tourneur (1951)
- El pirata Barbanegra de Raoul Walsh (1952)
- El temible burlón de Robert Siodmak (1952)
- La isla de los corsarios de George Sherman (1952)
- Los bucaneos de Anthony Quinn (1958)
- Sandokan de Umberto Lenzi (1965)
- Piratas de Roman Polanski (1986)
- Hook de Steve Spielberg (1991)
- La isla de las cabezas cortadas de Renny Harlin (1995)
- El planeta del tesoro de Ron Clements y John Musked (2002)
- Piratas del Caribe: la maldición del Perla Negra de Gore Verbinski (2003)
- Simbad, la leyenda de los siete mares de Patrick Gilmore y Tim Johnson (2003)
- Piratas del Caribe: el Cofre de la Muerte de Gore Verbinski (2006)
- Piratas del Caribe: en el Fin del Mundo de Gore Verbinski (2007)
- Piratas del Caribe: navegando Aguas Misteriosas de Rob Marshall (2011)
Enlaces externos
- An article about the Roman Navy, with information on Anicetus.
- Herodotus - The History of Herodotus, with information on Dionysius the Phocaean.
- The Pirates Hold - Entry for Glauketas.
- Jean Ango at Encyclopædia Britannica.com
- Genealogy - Pier Gerlofs Donia at Langenberg-Laagland.com, see Pier Gerlofs biography, downloadable PDF
- An article from the English Historical Review, vol 27 (1912) gives biographical details of Eustace the Monk.
- Chronological list of important dates and events in the life of Turgut Reis (Italian)
- Agreement on reparations for injuries and damages by vitalians (made between King Henry IV of England and the Hanseatic League)
- Male Pirates: Klaus Störtebeker at Outlaw Wolf, an Outlaws Blog
- Magister Wigbold and the Likedeelers (in German)
- "Heard at Byland: Wimund’s Woes" from Byland Abbey website, Retrieved Jan. 2005.
- Two variants on the ballad of Andrew Bartin / Barton.
- Pirate's Cove: Abraham Blauvelt
- Plantilla:Nl icon A short biography of Hendrik Brouwer.
- John D. Neville. "History of Thomas Cavendish", Heritage Education Program, US National Park Service.
- Christian Isobel Johnstone (1831). Lives and Voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. Oliver & Boyd. From Google Books.
- Christian Isobel Johnstone (1892). Early English voyagers : or, The adventures and discoveries of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier. London: Nelson. From Internet Archive
- Francois Le Clerc, at Rob Ossian's Pirate Cove
- Isle of Tortuga: Jacob Collaart
- Oliver Seeler's website "Sir Francis Drake"
- Biography of Peter Easton at the Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online
- An exhibit in the National Archives on John Hawkins.
- A timeline of Piet Hein's life.
- Granuaile (Grace O'Malley) story and poem
- Privateers and Pirates: James Riskinner
- Captain John Ward at vleonica.com
- Jean Bart (English)
- Un dictionnaire biographique de la flibuste (1648–1688), Biographies - B Plantilla:Fr icon
- Famous Historical Pirates - Edward Collier
- John Coxon at The Pirate King
- Obras de William Dampier en el Proyecto Gutenberg.
- Notable Voyagers, W.H.G. Kingston and Henry Frith - Chapter XXI: Voyages and adventures of William Dampier — from AD 1674
- Brethren of the Coast: Captain Thomas Anstis
- Biography of Bartholomew Roberts
- The Pirate Cove! - George Booth
- Account of John Bowen's life by V'léOnica Roberts
- National Geographic, "Capt. Samuel Bellamy, Rogue Romeo"
- A Biography of Stede Bonnet
- Anne Bonny at TheWayofthePirates.com
- Christopher Condent at Rob Ossian's Pirate Cove!
- Pirate Encyclopedia: Howell Davis
- Edward England section on V'lé Onica's Pirate Cove website
- Pirates hold: William Fly
- The Pirate Cove! - John Halsey
- Biography of Miguel Henríquez
- Benjamin Hornigold at TheWayofthePirates.com
- Benjamin Hornigold at AgeofPirates.com
- Entry for Thomas Howard on www.vleonica.com
- The California State Military Museum - Spanish and Mexican California: Hippolyte de Bouchard and His Attacks on the California Missions
- Hipólito (Hypolite) Bouchard and the Raid of 1818 article at the Monterey County Historical Society official website – URL accessed on December 2, 2005.
- American Museum of Natural History - Spanish Colonial History
- Gasparilla Pirate Festival
- José Gaspar site
- Bradlee's account of Gasparilla and the Story of Juan Gomez
- Charles Gibbs Treasure
- Charles Gibbs at Rob Ossian's Pirate Cove!
- Don Pedro Gilbert at Age of Pirates.com
- "The Execution of Gordon, The Slave-Trader", Harper's Weekly, March 8, 1862.
- "Slave Captain to be Hanged", Worcester Aegis and Transcript, December 7, 1861, p 1. (From Letters of the Civil War (website), archived at Wayback Machine, November 15, 2004.)
- Australian Broadcasting Commission, 22 September 2003, transcript of television program on Jorgen Jorgenson
- A biography of Jørgensen
- Bell Anthology - Samuel Mason
- Samuel Mason at Cave-in-Rock
- Ching Shih at the Pirate's Hold
- Cheung Po Tsai Cave at discoverhongkong.com
- The Politics of Extinction
- Detailed profile of Paul Watson by Raffi Khatchadourian, from The New Yorker, November 5, 2007
- [USS Benjamin Franklin (SSBN-640)]
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