Premio Tokyo Anime

Premio Tokyo Anime

Premio Tokyo Anime

El Premio Tokyo Anime empezó en el año 2002. En el año 2005 cuando el evento recibe oficialmente este nombre. La premera, segunda, tercera, versión del premio, recibían el simple nombre de 'competición'.[1]

El premio Tokyo Anime es un concurso para creadores de Anime novatos. El premio entrega un suma de dinero de un milló de yens para el ganador.).[2] Hay jueces que evalúan a los concursantes, los son cerca de 10 jueces prencipales y 127 jueces menores.,[3] ref>judges</ref>[4] Durante el premio, también hay 72 stffs, profesores de universidades, productores, prensa, directores y celebridades del momento.


Animación del momento

Todos los animes candidatos son lanzados en el día 1 de diciembre. El anime que representa en cada categoría son escogidos también. En el primer año, el premio se entregó a Spirited Away como "premio mayor".[2] En el segundo año no hubo ganadores.

Año Ganador Nota
2002 Spirited Away Grand Prix
2003 Not held
2004 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
2005 Howl's Moving Castle
2006 Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa
2007 The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Premio mayor

Año gandor Título
2004 Tae-Ho Han, from South Korea Africa a.F.r.I.c.A
2005 Shin Hosokawa The demon ()
2006 Kazuo Ebisawa Crow that wears clothes (ふくをきたカラス?)
2007 Howie Shia, de Canadá Flutter

Trabajos notables

Los trabajos más notables de cada año son clasificados según las categorías.

Categoría Televisión

The TV animations broadcasted from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates.[2]

The 'Best Entry' was selected only in 2002: Hanada Shonen-shi. There is regulation three works are selected and awards presented each year from 2004.

Year Winner
2002 InuYasha
Ojamajo Doremi Sharp
Hikaru no Go
Fruits Basket
One Piece
2003 Hanada Shonen-shi
Overman King Gainer
2004 Astro Boy
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED
Fullmetal Alchemist
2005 Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo
Sgt. Frog
Futari wa Pretty Cure
2006 Eureka Seven
Black Jack
2007 Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Death Note

Feature Film Category

The animation films released from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates.[2]

The 'Best Entry' was selected only in 2002: Millennium Actress. There is regulation two works are selected and awards presented each year from 2004.

Year Winner
2002 Princess Arete
Spirited Away
2003 Millennium Actress
The Cat Returns
Crayon Shin-chan The Battle of the Warring States
2004 Tokyo Godfathers
Nasu: Summer in Andalusia
2005 Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
2006 Detective Conan: Strategy Above the Depths
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam A New Translation: Heirs to the Stars
2007 Paprika
Arashi no Yoru Ni

OVA Category

The Original Video Animations (OVAs) released from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates.[2]

The 'Best Entry' was selected only in 2002: Sentō Yōsei Yukikaze. There is regulation two works are selected and awards presented each year from 2004. Sentō Yōsei Yukikaze (20022005) and Diebuster (20042006) were awarded two times, though same titles.

Year Winner
2002 Animation Runner Kuromi
2003 Sentō Yōsei Yukikaze
Return of the Magician
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
2004 The Animatrix
Macross Zero
2005 Animation Runner Kuromi 2
2006 Karas
Sentō Yōsei Yukikaze
2007 Diebuster

International Theater Award

The international animation films released from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates.[2]

Founded in 2003. One work is selected and awards presented every year.

Year Winner
2003 Monsters, Inc.
2004 Lilo & Stitch
2005 Finding Nemo
2006 The Incredibles
2007 Cars

Premio Director

The awards for animation directors. The indivisual awards for the activities of the previous year.[2]

Mejor Director

Though this award doesn't limit to be given to the directors of films, has a tendency to be given to film directors.

Year Winner Directed Note
2002 Akitaro Daichi Fruits Basket TV category
Hayao Miyazaki Spirited Away Film category
2003 Keiichi Hara Crayon Shin-chan TV series,
Crayon Shin-chan The Battle of the Warring States[5]
2004 Satoshi Kon Tokyo Godfathers[5]
2005 Hayao Miyazaki Howl's Moving Castle
2006 Yoshiyuki Tomino Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam A New Translation: Heirs to the Stars
2007 Mamoru Hosoda The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Mejor historia original

The awards for the original creators of the work. Founded in 2005.

Year Winner Original Story of Genre
2005 Masamune Shirow Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence Manga
2006 Hiromu Arakawa Fullmetal Alchemist Manga
2007 Yasutaka Tsutsui The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Novel

mejor Screenplay

The awards for screenwriters.

Year Winner Screenplay of Note
2002 Takashi Yamada Ojamajo Doremi Sharp TV category
Hayao Miyazaki Spirited Away Film category
2003 Ichirō Ōkouchi Overman King Gainer[5]
2004 Sho Aikawa Fullmetal Alchemist[5]
2005 Mamoru Oshii Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
2006 Dai Satō Eureka Seven
2007 Satoko Okudera The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Mejor dirección de arte

The awards for the staffs of art direction.

Year Winner Art Direction of Note
2002 Yuji Ikeda Shingu: Secret of the Stellar Wars TV category
Yoji Takeshige Spirited Away Film category
2003 Nobutaka Ike Millennium Actress[5]
2004 Nobutaka Ike Tokyo Godfathers[5]
2005 Shinji Kimura Steamboy
2006 Takeshi Waki Mushishi
2007 Nizō Yamamoto The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Mejor personaje

Año Ganadores Personaje Nota
2002 Masatomo Sudo TV category
Hayao Miyazaki Spirited Away Film category
2003 Kōsuke Fujishima Sakura Wars[5]
2004 Hisashi Hirai Mobile Suit Gundam SEED[5]
2005 Hiroyuki Okiura Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
2006 Kenichi Yoshida Eureka Seven
2007 Yoshiyuki Sadamoto The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

Mejor actor de voz

The awards for actors by their voice acting. *Seiyūs, but in the meaning of Voice Actors. Rumi Hiiragi (2002) and Chieko Baisho (2005) are more famous as actress in Japan.

Year Winner Acted as Note
2002 Kurumi Mamiya Hamtaro (Hamtaro) TV category
Rumi Hiiragi Chihiro (Spirited Away) Film category
2003 Kappei Yamaguchi InuYasha[5]
2004 Romi Paku Edward Elric[5]
2005 Chieko Baisho Sophie (Howl's Moving Castle)
2006 Akio Ohtsuka Black Jack (Black Jack)
2007 Aya Hirano Haruhi Suzumiya

Mejor música

The awards for composers (and other music related people).

Year Winner Music of Note
2002 Kohei Tanaka Overman King Gainer TV category
Joe Hisaishi Spirited Away Film category
2003 Yoko Kanno Turn A Gundam,
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex,
Wolf's Rain[5]
2004 Yoko Kanno
2005 Joe Hisaishi Howl's Moving Castle
2006 Michiru Oshima Fullmetal Alchemist
2007 Susumu Hirasawa Paprika


  1. 'Competition' at the first event (2002), outline of 'Competition' at the second event (2003), 'Competition' at the third event (2004)
  2. a b c d e f g Information about the awards at the 6th event (2007)
  3. judges at the second event (2003) in English, judges at the fifth event (2006) en Japonés
  4. Winners
  5. a b c d e f g h i j k About the 'Indivisual Awards' in 2003 and 2004, did not announce officialy about their works.
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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Tokyo Anime Awards — El Premio Tokyo Anime empezó en el año 2002. En el año 2005 cuando el evento recibe oficialmente este nombre. La primera, segunda y tercera versión del premio, recibían el simple nombre de competición .[1] El premio Tokyo Anime es un concurso… …   Wikipedia Español

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  • Mamoru Miyano — 宮野 真守 Nacimiento 8 de junio de 1983 (28 años) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu — La Melancolía de Haruhi Suzumiya 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu) Género Ciencia ficción, Fantasía Novela ligera Creado por Nagaru Tanigawa (Autor) …   Wikipedia Español

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