- Lista de videojuegos en Linux
Lista de Videojuegos en Linux refiere a juegos o desarrollos de videojuegos para el sistema operativo Linux.Contenido
Lista de videojuegos en Linux hace referencia a todos los títulos de juegos que pueden correr en el sistema operativo Linux. Se hace referencia a juegos de libres/código fuente libre, también a los comerciales,[1] que corren nativamente en Linux o juegos propietarios que tienen un porte a Linux. El listado de videojuegos también hace referencia a dispositivos de juegos como la consola de juegos Pandora o juegos orientados a distribuciones tal como SuperGamer. El listado de videojuegos también puede considerar al sistema operativo Android y juegos de móviles en plataformas Android, aunque hay diferencias entre los dos sistemas y la industria. En los últimos años el listado de videojuegos Linux también se ha convertido más estrechamente relacionados con los juegos en plataformas alternativas, tal como juegos en Mac.
En lo que a desarrollo se refiere, el soporte de librerías para juegos en Linux es provista por OpenGL, ALSA, OpenAL y SDL, librerías multimedias para plataformas cruzadas dependientes del sistema, como Pygame. El proyecto DRI provee hardware para gráficos y Software libre y de código abierto|manejadores de tarjetas de vídeos de código abierto, NVIDIA y ATI también liberan los módulos binarios del núcleo de sus tarjetas de vídeo. Linux también corre en varias consolas de juegos, incluyendo Xbox,[2] PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, GameCube,[3] y Wii, que permite a los desarrolladores de videojuegos acceder al hardware de la consola sin un kit de desarrollo de juegos caros. Varios periféricos de juegos también funcionan en Linux, tales como ratones para juegos desde que tienen los manejadores oficiales de Linux. [4] Varias herramientas para desarrollos de juegos también corren en Linux, incluyendo Game Editor y GtkRadiant.Historia
Ver también (en inglés) en:Open source video game#History
Archivo:Doom ingame 2.pngJuegos en Linux comenzó en gran parte como una extensión del mundo de los juegos de la ya presente Unix, con ambos sistemas compartiendo varios títulos similares. Estos juegos eran en su mayoría originales o clones de juegos de arcade y aventuras de texto. Un ejemplo notable de esto es juegos BSD, una colección de títulos de Aventura conversacional.[5] Las metodologías del software libre y código abierto dio lugar al desarrollo del sistema operativo en general también dio lugar a la creación temprana de varios juegos libres. Tempranos títulos populares incluidos NetHack, Netrek, XBill, XEvil, xbattle, Xconq y XPilot. Como el sistema operativo en sí mismo creció y se expandió, la cantidad de juegos libres y de código abierto también aumentaron en escala y complejidad.
El comienzo de los juegos comerciales en Linux se le atribuye haber comenzado en 1994, cuando Dave D. Taylor portó el juego Doom a Linux en su tiempo libre, así como a muchos otros sistemas.[6] [7] De allí también ayudó a fundar el estudio de desarrollo Crack dot Com, que lanzó el videojuego Abuse, el juego portado a Linux fue publicado por el proveedor de Linux Red Hat.[8] [9] Id Software, los desarrolladores originales de Doom, también continuaron sus lanzamientos de sus productos para Linux. Su producto Quake fue portado a Linux en 1996, una vez más por un empleado que trabaja en su tiempo libre.[10] Más tarde los productos de id continuaron siendo portados por David Kirsch y Timothee Besset respectivamente. Otros de los primeros juegos comerciales de Linux incluido Hopkins FBI, un juego de aventuras lanzado en 1998 por MP Entertainment,[11] [12] e Inner Worlds en 1996, que fue lanzado y mayormente desarrollado en Linux.[13]
In 1998, a new software firm called Loki Software was founded by Scott Draeker, a former lawyer who became interested in porting games to Linux after being introduced to the system through his work as a software licensing attorney.[14] Loki, although a commercial failure, is credited with the birth of the modern Linux game industry. Loki developed several free software tools, such as the Loki installer (also known as Loki Setup),[15] and supported the development of the Simple DirectMedia Layer, as well as starting the OpenAL audio library project.[16] [17] These are still often creditedPlantilla:By whom as being the cornerstones of Linux game development. They were also responsible for bringing nineteen high profile games to the platform before its closure in 2002. Loki's initial success also attracted other firms to invest in the Linux gaming market, such as Tribsoft, Hyperion Entertainment, Macmillan Digital Publishing USA, Xatrix Entertainment, and Philos Laboratories. During this time Michael Simms founded Tux Games, one of the first still active online Linux game retailers.[18]
After Loki's closure, the Linux game market experienced some changes. Although some new firms, such as Linux Game Publishing and RuneSoft, would largely continue the role of a standard porting house, the focus began to change with Linux game proponents encouraging game developers to port their game products themselves or through individual contractors.[19] Influential to this was Ryan C. Gordon, a former Loki employee who would over the next decade port several game titles to multiple platforms, including Linux.[20] Around this time many companies, starting with id, also began to release legacy source code leading to a proliferation of source ports of older games to Linux and other systems. The Linux gaming market has also experienced some growth over the past few yearsPlantilla:When with the rise of independent video game development, with many "indie" developers favouring support for multiple platforms. The recent Humble Indie Bundle initiatives have helped formally demonstrate this new trend.[21]
Free and open source games
Original games
Archivo:Pdiaspora shottingsat.jpgA few original open source video games have attained notability:
- AssaultCube is a first-person shooter.
- AstroMenace is a 3D scroll-shooter.
- Battle for Wesnoth is a turn-based strategy game.
- Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid is a 2D platform game.
- BZFlag is a 3D First person tank shooter (With jumping).
- Chromium B.S.U. is a fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling space shooter.
- Crimson Fields is a turn-based tactical wargame.[22]
- CodeRED: Alien Arena is a sci-fi first-person shooter derived from the Quake II engine.
- Cube 2: Sauerbraten is a 3D first-person shooter with an integrated map editing mode.
- Glest is a real-time strategy game, with optional multiplayer.
- NetHack and Angband are text-based computer role-playing games.
- Netrek is a Star Trek themed multiplayer 2D space battle game.
- Nexuiz is a first-person shooter.
- Project: Starfighter a multi-directional, objective based shoot-em-up.
- Slingshot two-person spaceship shooting near planetary gravity.
- TORCS (The Open Racing Car Simulator) - considered one of the best open-source racing simulators, with realistic graphics and vehicle handling.[23]
- Tremulous is a 3D first-person shooter/real-time strategy game.
- Tux Racer is a 3D racing game featuring Tux.
- Urban Terror is a standalone Quake III Arena first-person shooter. (Proprietary mod).
- Vega Strike is a space flight simulation.
- Warsow is a Quake-like, fast-paced first-person shooter.
Clones and remakes
There are a larger number of open source clones and remakes of classic games:
- Bill Kendrick has developed many free software games, most inspired by games for the Atari 8-bit and other classic systems.
- FreeCiv is a clone of Civilization II.
- FreeOrion is inspired by Master of Orion.[24]
- Frets on Fire is a clone of Guitar Hero.
- Frozen Bubble is a clone of Puzzle Bobble.
- Grid Wars is a clone of Geometry Wars.
- Head Over Heels,[25] a ZX-Spectrum action platformer, was remade for Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and BeOS.
- Hedgewars is a clone of Worms. Worms replaced with hedgehogs.
- Train Simulation Framework is a train simulator which can read the formats originally used for BVE Trainsim.
- OpenTTD is a remake of Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
- Performous is a clone of Guitar Hero.
- Pingus is a clone of Lemmings.
- Scorched 3D is a 3D adaptation of Scorched Earth.
- Spring[26] originally is a clone of Total Annihilation, but actually is a platform for real time strategy games.
- StepMania is a clone of Dance Dance Revolution
- SuperTux is a clone of Super Mario Bros.
- SuperTuxKart and TuxKart are clones of Mario Kart.
- The Zod Engine is an actively developed open source remake of the game Z.
- Ur-Quan Masters is based on the original source code for Star Control II
- Warzone 2100 is a real-time strategy and real-time tactics hybrid computer game. Originally published by Eidos Interactive and later released as open source.
- WarMUX is a clone of Worms using free software project mascots instead of worms.
- OpenXcom is a clone of UFO: Enemy Unknown game. It is a open-source, multiplatform reimplementation meant to faithfully mimic the original game, with optional add-ons
Commercial games
Independent game developers
Archivo:WorldOfGooBuilding.jpgIndependent developer 2D Boy released World of Goo for Linux. Role-playing video game titles like Eschalon: Book I, Eschalon: Book II and Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness were developed cross-platform from the start of development, including a Linux version. Sillysoft released Linux versions of their game Lux and its various versions.[27]
Hemisphere Games has released a Linux version of Osmos. Koonsolo has released a Linux version of Mystic Mine. Amanita Design has released Linux versions of Machinarium and Samorost 2. Irrgheist released a Linux version of their futuristic racing game H-Craft Championship. Gamerizon has released a Linux version of Quantz. InterAction Studios has several titles mostly in the Chicken Invaders series.
Kristanix Games has released Linux versions of Crossword Twist, Fantastic Farm, Guess The Phrase!, Jewel Twist, Kakuro Epic, Mahjong Epic, Maxi Dice, Solitaire Epic, Sudoku Epic, Theseus and the Minotaur. Anawiki Games has released a Linux versions of Path of Magic, Runes of Avalon, Runes of Avalon 2, Soccer Cup Solitaire, The Perfect Tree and Dress-Up Pups. Gaslamp Games has promised a Linux version of Dungeons of Dreamor. Broken Rules has released a Linux version of And Yet It Moves. Super Meat Boy is also going to be released for Linux.
Archivo:Penumbra-Overture-2007.pngFrictional Games released Linux versions of both Penumbra: Black Plague and Penumbra: Overture, as well as the expansion pack Penumbra: Requiem. They also released Amnesia: The Dark Descent for Linux simultaneously with the Windows and Mac OS X versions. S2 Games released Linux clients for their titles Savage: The Battle for Newerth, Savage 2: A Tortured Soul and Heroes of Newerth. Wolfire Games released a Linux version of their game Lugaru and they will release its sequel Overgrowth for Linux. David Rosen's Black Shades was also ported to Linux. Arctic Paint has released a Linux version of Number Drill. Charlie’s Games has released a Linux version of Bullet Candy Perfect, Irukandji and Space Phallus.
Illwinter Game Design released Conquest of Elysium II, Dominions: Priests, Prophets and Pretenders, Dominions II: The Ascension Wars, and Dominions 3: The Awakening for Linux. Introversion Software released Darwinia, Uplink, and DEFCON. Kshatra is a Vancouver, Canada, based software house specializing in free, commercial, games for Linux. They have one title currently under active development, Avaneya. Kot-In-Action Creative Artel is releaseing their Steel Storm games for Linux.
Unigine Corp is developing OilRush using its Unigine engine technology that works on Linux. Unigine Corp was also developing a "shooter-type game" that would have been released for Linux, currently the development on this game is frozen until OilRush is released.[28] The MMORPG game Syndicates of Arkon is also supposed to be coming to Linux.[29] The game Dilogus: The Winds of War is also being developed with Unigine and is planned to have a Linux client.
A number of visual novel developers support Linux. Winter Wolves has released titles such as Spirited Heart, Heileen 2: The Hands of Fate, The Flower Shop, Bionic Heart, Card Sweethearts, Vera Blanc: Full Moon and Planet Stronghold for Linux.[30] [31] Hanako Games has released Science Girls, Summer Session, Date Warp, Cute Knight Kingdom, and are considering porting Fatal Hearts to Linux.[32] [33] Sake Visual has brought Jisei, RE: Alistair++ and Ripples to Linux.[34] Four Leaf Studios has also released Katawa Shoujo for Linux[35] and Christine Love released Digital: A Love Story, both of which, along with Summer Session mentioned previously, are powered by the free software Ren'Py tool.
The Java-based sandbox game Minecraft by Indie developer Mojang AB is available on Linux.
Game porters
Archivo:Civivilization-Call-To-Power.jpgIndependent companies have also taken on the task of porting prominent Windows games to Linux. Loki Software was the first such company, and between 1998 and 2002 ported Civilization: Call to Power, Descent³, Eric's Ultimate Solitaire, Heavy Gear II, Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.², Heretic II, Heroes of Might and Magic III, Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns, Myth II: Soulblighter, Postal, Railroad Tycoon II, Quake III Arena, Rune, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Sim City 3000, Soldier of Fortune, Tribes 2, and MindRover to Linux.
Tribsoft created a Linux version of Jagged Alliance 2 by Sir-Tech Canada before shutting down in 2002. Linux Game Publishing was founded in 2001 in response to the impending demise of Loki, and has brought Creatures: Internet Edition, Candy Cruncher, Majesty: Gold Edition, NingPo MahJong, Hyperspace Delivery Boy!, Software Tycoon, Postal²: Share The Pain, Soul Ride, X2: The Threat, Gorky 17, Cold War, Knights and Merchants: The Shattered Kingdom, Ballistics, X3: Reunion, Jets'n'Guns, Sacred: Gold, Shadowgrounds, and Shadowgrounds Survivor to Linux. Some of these games were ported for them by Ryan C. Gordon.
LGP-associated but freelance consultant Frank C. Earl is porting the game Caster to Linux and has released the first episode and also developed the Linux version of Cortex Command being included in the second Humble Indie Bundle. He is also working towards other porting projects such as the entire Myth series. He is largely taking recommendations and he comments as part of the Phoronix community. icculus.org has ported beta releases for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault and Devastation, versions of America's Army, and the titles Prey, Aquaria, Braid, Hammerfight and Cogs.
The alemán publisher RuneSoft was founded in 2000. They ported the games Northland, Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood, Airline Tycoon Deluxe, Ankh, Ankh: Heart of Osiris, Barkanoid 2, and Jack Keane to Linux. Hyperion Entertainment ports games to several systems, they have ported Shogo: Mobile Armor Division and SiN to Linux, as well as porting Gorky 17 for Linux Game Publishing. Wyrmkeep Entertainment has brought the games The Labyrinth of Time and Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb to Linux. Alternative Games brought Trine and is bringing Trine 2 to Linux.
Other developers
Archivo:Reverent (Doom).jpgid Software, together with Raven Software and Splash Damage, ported the Doom series, the Quake series, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. id Software's Timothee Besset has stated he hopes to port Rage to Linux. Some games published by GarageGames which have Linux versions include Bridge Builder, Marble Blast Gold, Gish, ThinkTanks, Tribal Trouble, and Dark Horizons: Lore Invasion.
MP Entertainment released Hopkins FBI and Crack dot com released Abuse for Linux, becoming some of the first developers to do so. Inner Worlds, another early commercial Linux title, was released for and partly developed on Linux. Philos Laboratories released a Linux version of Theocracy on the retail disk. Absolutist has supported Linux for a number of years.[36] GLAMUS GmbH released a Linux version of their game Mobility.
Lava Lord Games released their game Astro Battle for Linux. Xatrix Entertainment released a Linux version of Kingpin: Life of Crime. Bioware released Neverwinter Nights for Linux. Croteam released the Serious Sam series, with the first game ported by Ryan C. Gordon and with the second self-ported. Ryan C. Gordon also ported Epic Games' shooter games Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 2004. Running With Scissors has promised to release a client for their upcoming Postal III game.
Source ports
Several developers have released the source code to many of their legacy titles, allowing them to be run as native applications on many alternative platforms, including Linux. Examples of games which were ported to Linux this way include Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Rise of the Triad, Ken's Labyrinth, Seven Kingdoms, Warzone 2100, Homeworld, Call to Power II, Wolfenstein 3D, Heretic, Hexen, Hexen II, Aliens versus Predator, Descent, Descent II and Freespace 2. Several game titles that were previously released for Linux were also able to be expanded or updated because of the availability of game code, including Doom, Abuse, Quake, Quake II, Quake III Arena and Jagged Alliance 2. Some derivatives based on released source code have also been released for Linux, such as Aleph One and Micropolis for Marathon 2: Durandal and SimCity respectively.
Certain game titles were even able to be ported due to availability of shared engine code even though the game's code itself remains proprietary or otherwise unavailable, such as the video game Strife or the multiplayer component of Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force. Some games have even been ported entirely or partially by reverse engineering and game engine recreation such as WarCraft II through Wargus or Commander Keen. Another trick is to attempt hacking the game to work as a mod on another native title, such as with the original Unreal. Additionally, some games can be run through the use of Linux specific runtime environments, such as the case of certain games made with Adventure Game Studio such as the Chzo Mythos or certain titles made with the RPG Maker tool. Games derived from released code, with both free and proprietary media, that are released for Linux include Urban Terror, OpenArena, FreeDoom, World of Padman, Nexuiz/Xonotic, War§ow and Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge.
Massively multiplayer online role-playing games
Véase también: List of MMORPGsThis is a selected list of MMORPGs that are native on Linux.
- A Tale in the Desert III (2003, eGenesis) – A trading and crafting game, set in ancient Egypt, pay-to-play.
- Auteria (2007) – A fantasy 3D free-to-play MMORPG.
- Crossfire (1992) – A medieval fantasy 2D game.
- Diaspora (1999, Altitude Productions) - 2D Space trading MMORPG. (Project Diaspora version has a Linux client.)
- Dofus (2005, Ankama Games) – A 2D fantasy MMORPG.
- Eternal Lands (2003, Radu Privantu) – A 3D fantasy free-to-play MMORPG.
- PlaneShift – A 3D fantasy free-to-play game.
- Regnum Online – A 3D fantasy game, free-to-play with premium content.
- RuneScape – Java fantasy 3rd person game.
- Spiral Knights – Java fantasy 3rd person game.
- The Mana World - 2D medieval fantasy MMORPG, free to play and open source (GPL'd) - Home page, first released at 2005.
- Tibia – A 2D Medieval fantasy game. Free-to-play with premium content.
- Vendetta Online – A 3D spacecraft MMOFPS with growing RPG elements, pay to play. Maintains both Linux/32 and Linux/64 clients.
- WorldForge – A game engine. There are Linux clients available.
- Wurm Online – A Java-based MMORPG.
- Wyvern – A 2D fantasy MMORPG that runs on Java.
- Ultima Online has an unofficial Linux client.
- Yohoho! Puzzle Pirates – A puzzle game which runs on Java.
- The Saga of Ryzom - has a Linux client and source code available.
- Many Virtual Worlds – Many virtual worlds (such as Second Life) also have Linux clients.
Upcoming Linux games
Several video games that are currently planned or are likely to have Linux ports are currently under development. These include several first-person shooters, such as Dark Salvation and Rage; some role-playing games such as The Broken Hourglass, Wakfu, and Dilogus: The Winds of War; several strategy games, such as OilRush, 0 A.D, Achron, Avaneya, Disciples II: Dark Prophecy, and Europa Universalis II; as well as adventure games such as Asylum and Iron Sky: Operation Highjump. Some other games that are planned to have Linux ports include Garshasp: The Monster Slayer, Bandits: Phoenix Rising, Natural Selection 2, Shifter: Robotic Uprising, Overgrowth, Postal III, Scoregasm, and Trine 2. These games may be commercial games or free software projects currently under development, some of which may already be available for other platforms.
Some developers have hinted at, but not officially announced, the possibility of Linux ports of their games, such as Iron Tower Studio's The Age of Decadence and Square Enix's Final Fantasy XIV.[37]
Emulation and compatibility layers
There are also APIs, virtual machines, and machine emulators that provide binary compatibility:
- Wine for Microsoft Windows, as well as the forks CrossOver and Cedega; PlayOnLinux simplifies installing games;
- FCE Ultra and TuxNES for the Nintendo Entertainment System;
- Snes9x and ZSNES for the Super Nintendo;
- Mupen64Plus and the no longer actively developed original Mupen64 for the Nintendo 64;
- gnuboy for the Nintendo Game Boy and Game Boy Color;
- VisualBoy Advance for the Game Boy Advance;
- DeSmuME for the Nintendo DS;
- ScummVM for LucasArts and various other adventure games;
- DOSBox and DOSEMU for MS DOS;
- UAE for the Amiga;
- Basilisk II for the 68040 Macintosh;
- Frotz for Z-Machine text adventures;
- MAME for arcade games;
- VICE for the Commodore 64;
- Mednafen and Xe emulating multiple hardware platforms including some of the above;
- Dolphin for the Nintendo GameCube, Wii, and the Triforce;
- PCSX-Reloaded, pSX and the Linux port of ePSXe for the PlayStation One;
- PCSX2 for the PlayStation 2;
Wine gaming
Currently, many Windows games can run with minimal problems in a compatibility layer called Wine. The Wine project hosts a user-submitted application database (known as Wine AppDB) that lists programs and games along with ratings and reviews which detail how well they run with Wine. Some games which are rated as running flawlessly include Guild Wars, Supreme Commander, Half Life 2, Counter-Strike Source, Left 4 Dead, Silkroad Online, Spore 1.x, StarCraft II, WarCraft III, The Sims 3, Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, and World of Warcraft. There are also many other games that can be run with varying degrees of success. The use of Wine for gaming has proved controversial in the Linux community as some feel it is preventing, or at least hindering, the further growth of native gaming on the platform.[38] [39] [40]
See also
Plantilla:Portal box
Directories and lists
- Free Software Directory
- List of open source games
- Lists of video games
- List of emulators
- List of video game console emulators
- Games for Windows
- Mac gaming
People and companies
- Ryan C. Gordon
- Timothee Besset
- Linux Game Publishing
- Loki Software
Other articles
- Sega Lindbergh
- Wine (software)
- loki installers for linux gamers
- ↑ Avaneya FAQ Free & Commercial, September 27, 2010
- ↑ «Xbox Linux Wiki». Xbox-linux.org. Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ «Gamecube Linux Wiki». Gc-linux.org. Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ A Gaming Mouse Vendor That Has Linux Drivers Phoronix, October 05, 2010 (Article by Michael Larabel)
- ↑ Ghost of Fun Time's Past - Linux Journal
- ↑ «DOOM». Linux Journal.
- ↑ Getting Started with Quake Linux Journal, January 1, 1999 (Article by Bob Zimbinski)
- ↑ Red Hat (1997-10-07). «Partnership with Crack dot Com Brings Games to Linux». Comunicado de prensa. Consultado el 2011-08-04.
- ↑ «So Long, Crack.com». loonygames. Consultado el 04-08-2011.
- ↑ How To Install Quake 1 Linux.com, November 15, 2000 (Article by Jeff Mrochuk)
- ↑ Hopkins FBI Linux.com, February 9, 2000 (article by Jeremy Kuhnash)
- ↑ Websites And Resources - The Linux Gamers' HOWTO Linux Online
- ↑ Internet Based Software Development Sleepless Software Inc, edited September 19, 2001 (article by Joe Hitchens)
- ↑ Interview: Scott Draeker and Sam Latinga, Loki Entertainment Linux Journal, August 1, 1999
- ↑ Interview with Ryan Gordon: Postal2, Unreal & Mac Gaming - Macologist
- ↑ The Story of OpenAL Linux Journal, January 1, 2001 (Article by Bernd Kreimeier)
- ↑ Loki and the Linux World Expo - GameSpy chats with Linux legend Scott Draeker about the future of Linux gaming GameSpot (Article by James Hills)
- ↑ Linux Game Publishing Blog, LGP History pt 1: How LGP came to be
- ↑ Alternative Games Is All About Linux Gaming Phoronix, December 14, 2010 (Article by Michael Larabel)
- ↑ Porting games to Linux hardware.no, March 10, 2009 (Article by Robin Heggelund Hansen)
- ↑ Orland, Kyle (28-02-2011). «GDC 2011: Humble Indie Bundle Creators Talk Inspiration, Execution». Gamasutra. Consultado el 28-02-2011.
- ↑ «UpFront». Linux Journal. July 2005. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8231.
- ↑ Diehl, Mike (18-10-2007). «Free Games for Linux». Linux Journal. Linux Journal. Consultado el 04-12-2007.
- ↑ «Main Page - FreeOrionWiki». Freeorion.org. Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ «Retrospec Head Over Heels Page». Retrospec.sgn.net. Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ «The Spring Project». Spring.clan-sy.com. Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ Commercial gaming: Can it thrive on Linux? Linux.com, December 22, 2006 (Article by Joe Barr)
- ↑ More Details On Unigine's OilRush Game Phoronix, September 4, 2010 (Article by Michael Larabel)
- ↑ Linux Client? Syndicates of Arkon game forums
- ↑ «Vera Blanc: Full Moon Released - Linux Gaming News». LinuxGamingNews.org (05-07-2010). Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ «Linux games». Winter Wolves. Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ «Mac and Linux Games». Hanako Games. Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ «Hanako Games Linux Ports Are Coming - Linux Gaming News». LinuxGamingNews.org (16-06-2010). Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ «Sake Visual Indie Visual Novel Studio - Linux Gaming News». LinuxGamingNews.org (07-07-2010). Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ «http://playthisthing.com/katawa-shoujo». Play This Thing. Consultado el 18-08-2010.
- ↑ Bubble Shoot review
- ↑ Tanaka, Hiromichi (14-07-2007). «E3 Square Enix Interview with FFXIclopedia». ffxiclopedia.org. Consultado el 14-05-2008.
- ↑ Ports vs. Wine Gamespot (Article by James Hills)
- ↑ An Interview With A Linux Game Porter Phoronix, July 03, 2009 (Article by Michael Larabel)
- ↑ How-To - TrackMania Nations LinuxGameCast, May 30, 2011
Enlaces externos
- Wikiquote alberga frases célebres de o sobre Lista de videojuegos en Linux. Wikiquote
Directories and lists
- happypenguin.org - The Linux Game Tome is one of the oldest still active Linux game databases.
- Linux Game Database is a database for native Linux games that recently started development and have now gone beyond the planning stage. It contains 950 games and tools as of August 28, 2011.
- Penguspy claims to "contain only the best games", and as such does not contain all native titles. It currently only contains 186 games.
- Gaming on Linux is an active Linux database and community.
- LinApp is a database of commercial Linux software, including games.
- The Linux Gamers' Game List is a detailed list of games for Linux.
- Libregamewiki offers detailed coverage of free software games.
- Le Bottin des Jeux Linux is an active Tellico database of more than 2300 Linux Games.
- AllForLinux is another list of Linux games.
News and commentary
- Linux Gaming News - Unique Linux gaming news and interviews.
- http://www.linuxgames.com - LinuxGames is one of the oldest Linux gaming news sources, since 1998
- Linux Game Cast - Videos relating to Linux gaming.
- Linux gaming articles at Play This Thing
- Games on PCLinuxOS
Wikimedia foundation. 2010.